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My work with trees, water and paths have their roots in experiences in nature. They are also inspired by Biblical references like “paths of righteousness” (Psalm 23), “teach me your paths” (Psalm 25) and “…may your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.” (Ephesians 3:17b) and also “let all the trees of the wood rejoice before the Lord” (Psalm 96:12). Trees are rich symbols of our relationship with God.

The series, “Trees by the River” was started in 1997 while a child in our church was battling cancer. It was a battle he lost. Many people grew deeper roots spiritually from knowing him and his family during this time. Walking alongside his family led me into more paintings of trees and water. These, in turn, led me to rendering groups of trees and paths through wooded areas. I’ve been thinking of people following the paths where God leads in a walk of faith and the mystery of the unfolding roads around the corners of our lives.